Friday, March 4, 2011

Gray Skies in February

March 4, 2011
Marcia Piepgrass has graciously allowed this blog to be published on Daily Bread of Life - Devotional.  Although it was written last month for the events that happen in February, I believe you will enjoy it and be blessed.  Thank you Marcia for this wonderful story. 

Maria's blogspot:  Please visit her site and read all about this talented and Godly woman.

Why does February seem like the longest month, when it is the shortest?
Could the lingering of gray skies and frigid temperatures contribute to the
interminably show passage of time from February 1 to 27 or 28?  No matter what
the groundhog predicts, winter usually lingers for six long weeks after his
sneak peak outside his burrow in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.

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I don't know about you, but a trip south--far south--seems like a good idea
at this time of year.  Alas, no reservations have been made, so I will have to
make my own sunshine.

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Here are five simple suggestions for chasing away winter's chill: 

1.  Write and send lots of Valentine greetings.  Making other people happy is
a sure cure for depression. When I was in grade school, my mother helped me make
the same valentines each year for everyone in my class. Supplies included:  lace
doilies, ribbon, and sticks of cinnamon-flavored gum. (These are easy enough for
preschool children to make.)

2.  Begin each day with a thanksgiving breakfast. Make a habit of praising
the Lord with your first sip of coffee.

3.  Wrap up, go outside, and take a walk. Even if the sky is cloud-covered,
the daylight will lift your spirits.

4.  Think happy thoughts.
No, this isn't just for Pollyanna.  It is biblical.  See the verse inscribed on
the poster?

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The Catholic Faith Education Society makes wonderful posters illustrating

5.  End your day by praying for
, thanking the Lord for his faithful goodness, and turning your
anxieties over to him who is loving, powerful, and in control of all things.

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The Prayer--artist unknown

These suggestions for chasing away the
cold, because they are biblical, are sure

Monday, February 28, 2011

A day of Joy with Jill Briscoe 02.26.2011

I would like to have Picasa build a picture gallery on this website. How is this done ?

A Day of Joy with Jill Briscoe - 02.26.2011 - Regional Women's Conference- Central Texas

OASIS - A Day with Jill Briscoe         February 26, 2011 
               with worship leader
               Stephanie Seefeldt

Jill Briscoe is one of my favorite Christian writers and speakers.  Our community was blessed to have her come and present a study on Phillipians.  For those who know Jill and have heard her speak know how dynamic she is with her knowledge, wisdom, wit, and communication. She has written and published over 40 books !   For those who don't know her,  I pray this devotion will be a blessing and you will meet her through her website:

Highlights :

Jill started by reading the first chapter of Phillipians, time was four and half minutes.  However, when her publisher saw this, she edited it to only a minute ! Her lastest book, written about  Phillipiao, her most recent.   That's the way things are in the publishing world today.  Short and to the point, lest a writer be not published !  

Phillipians 2 - Within the body of Christ, bitterness, confusion, trouble among warring women in the church.  Spiritual Art of Maturity, tranquility, was Paul's admonishion to these women and the church.

' Make peace with people who are at odds in the church.' 

Spiritual Disciples:  "If I can't do it perfectly, I won't do it."  stated the speaker as she continued, "My view on some American Women. 

Gift of Encouragement :  Everyone can do this !  Timothy to Paul !  If two women are at odds within the church, ill feelings going on, STOP it, and talk it out. 

Phillipians 4 :  We were challenged to memorize this chapter.  Find the 14 times that Paul used joy and rejoice in this chapter. " In all our days, celebrate God - good days and bad days - Go Deep into the soul - that is something that can't be taken away."  "Praise God in trouble, not praise God for cancer but thank God in the cancer, for His presence, His endurance.  Practice His presence - Look for God - and Praise Him." 

Look at trouble through God - put Him first !

Get up in the morning and be a blessing to someone !  Talk about Jesus !  Isiash 58...'make me like a well watered garden when dealing with difficult people...'   Put courage and heart into them.

"Courage is doing the right thing without courage." 

"If you want to be big, you need to be small."

"LEARN THE GIFT OF HUMILITY." - (before we can be of witness as a Christian.)

What a gifted person,   Stephanie Seefeldt,  with her beautiful voice and piano talents !    She and Jill are currently participating in Anne Graham Lotz's 'Just Give me Jesus' revival events.  They travel the world with this ministry. 

Stephanie met her husband, Scott, in college.  He is a rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Baraboo, WI, where she lives with her family.  Scott and Stephanie have two adopted sons and (biologically) welcomed a baby girl on Christmas Day, 2004, and another son in September 2008 !

Stephanie stated several times that Jill Briscoe was her mentor !  They make a fine team and compliment each other beautifully.

I have challenged myself to start memorizing the fourth chapter of Philippians.  I've always had a love for this chapter and know by memorizing it, it will be with me forever - into eternity !
